Inside the Caswell Estate, Floyd's rifle, Summer's pistol, the woman's pistol, are all aimed at Faye, as Faye has her pistol aimed at Jake's head. Summer screams at Faye "Don't even think about it. Don't you dare." Faye, in a delusional, paranoid tone, says "I'm sacrificing him to God. He needs to be raised around people like me. I need a replacement. My children were disappointments." Floyd yells "Probably because their Mother was a crazy ass bitch! That's likely why!" The woman meanwhile is silent, with anger in her eyes, and doesn't say a word, as she has flashbacks, and everyone cuts the safety off on their guns. Meanwhile down in the basement, Sage notices a key, as she reaches for it, as her arm's handcuffed to a pole, and reaches for the key with her foot. Meanwhile outside, Bree, Andy, Ciarra, and Tenny stands outside, as they all are silent, and Andy tells them "I have a bad feeling about this."
At the UPD, Lynn stands in front of Russell and Paul, as Janet has arrived as Lynn tells them "Faye has Jake. She kidnapped him. Arrest me." Russell pulls out the handcuffs, as he reads Lynn his rights, and Janet yells "Wait! He has something to do first." Janet pulls out the resignation papers, and tells her Brother "Don't you have something else to say Lynn?" Hazel walks inside, as she adds "Yeah Lynn, tell the UPD about your sick twisted plan for our Mama and Daddy. Go ahead, since the spirit's moving you, tell them!" Lynn looks around, and Hazel pulls out a pill bottle, and Paul looks at it, and Hazel tells them "They've been drugging our Daddy, and someone here can attest to that." Casey walks inside, as she tells Russell, Paul, and the UPD "Those pills can slowly kill someone." Casey hands over something, and Hazel, Janet, Russell, Paul, and the UPD reads it, and Lynn breaks down in tears, as he grabs the pen and resigns as Head Pastor of Caney Head Chapel, and an officer gets a phone call, as he tells them "The kid's at gunpoint!" Russell, Paul, Janet, Hazel, and the UPD storm out, as they head to the Caswell Estate, as Lynn's booked and taken to a cell.
Meanwhile at Mitchell's, Phillip returns, as Alexandra asks her Brother "So how was your meeting with Xavier Jackson?" Phillip looks at his Sister and tells her "Well he has offered to lease the former Griffin's, and also build another anchor on that empty pad. He's also paid off that loan, but you have to keep your mouth shut!" Alexandra tells her Brother "His money will help this town. What is he planning?" Phillip responds "He's moving Jim's over to the Mall, but it's going to be like Wallace's." Alexandra quips "About damn time those bastards had some competition, and Xavier Jackson and Jackson Inc can really break them." Phillip nods, and responds "He now owns Unity Town Center, but he is staying silent. So this can't get out, and we're letting Evan and Kane manage, but here's something that will really get you excited." Alexandra asks with a smile "You found out something about Desi?" Phillip yells "Come inside." A man with tattoos walks inside, and Phillip responds "This guy has a score to settle." The man, named Colt Parker, tells Phillip and Alexandra "It was really nice to get that pardon from Marx." Phillip and Alexandra looks at Colt, and tells him "If you want to stay free, here's your gun, and your mission." Alexandra hands Colt a pistol, and smiles "Kill that bitch." Phillip and Alexandra hands Colt a piece of paper, and a photo, as Colt heads out, and Alexandra tells her Brother "We don't need people like her in our quiet serene town." Phillip nods, as he pours him, and Alexandra a drink, and they sit back, with content in their eyes, as Addie and Angie walks inside, and Alexandra looks at her friends, along with Phillip, as she says "Desi's time in Unity will be limited."
At Hazel's Home, Lacey arrives, as does Kane, as Mary tells her Grandchildren "Popper needs to go to Unity General." Lacey, a nurse checks on her Grandfather, as he asks her "Who in the hell are you?" Mary meanwhile looks at Kane, as Evan walks inside and Mary holds her Grandson, as she cries "Your Mama was right. Janet was right. How can Lynn try to hurt his Daddy like this? How?" Evan tells Mary "Mrs.Caswell, Lynn's turned himself in, and he's also signed the resignation." Mary looks at Evan, and Kane tells his Grandmother "Mama and Aunt Hazel's at the UPD right now, and Faye's holding Summer's Son at gunpoint." Mary cries "Oh my stars! This is a nightmare. A pure nightmare." Meanwhile Lacey looks at her Grandmother, and tells her "Call 911." Evan calls, as Mary grabs her arm, and falls to the ground. Kane rushes to his Grandmother's aid, as Lacey looks at her Cousin, and Evan, and tells both of them "I know I'm not supposed to feel this way, but I hope somebody kills Faye after the shit she and Lynn has put our family through." Evan and Kane agrees, as the paramedics arrive.
Meanwhile, Desi pulls up at Gene's, and gets out of her car, as a pistol is pointed in her face, as Colt says "Your time here is done." At the Caswell Estate, the standoff inside continues, as Faye holds Jake, as he cries, and Faye screams "Shut up!" Floyd keeps his aim on Faye, as does Summer, and the woman, as Faye yells "Don't you dare make a move!" Meanwhile Sage sneaks into the living room, as she's freed herself, and holds a knife. Outside, Russell, Paul, and the Police has arrived, as Andy, Bree, and Ciarra holds onto each other, as Tenny holds Precious' leash, and says to herself "This is the craziest shit I've ever seen in my life." Tenny hands the leash to Ciarra, as she pulls out her pistol, and walks inside, as they yell "No!" At Unity General, Mary and Miles are rushed into the Emergency Room, as Casey arrives, along with Hazel and Janet, as does Phillip, as Kane and Lacey has followed the paramedics, and the Caswell family rushes into the triage. Back at the Caswell Estate, Russell, Paul, and the UPD officers stand down, as Ciarra looks at Andy and Bree, and tells them "Floyd's in there, and now my Sister." All of a sudden three shots are fired!
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